With the plumber's installation of the roof jacks completed, I was ready for the roof to go on. I had narrowed it down to three roofers. Each bid coming in at just around $8,000 and each bidder having nothing about them to make them stand out from the rest. I went with a guy who lives across the street from a relative. he had helped my relative put a roof on a shed and seemed interested in getting it done the right way.
They worked on Thursday and Friday of this week (4/17-4/18). The roof looks good! (Pictures to come on that.) I was there most of the day on Thursday. That's when all my exterior doors were delivered. The only question I have about the roof is the ridge vent in the rear garage. It seems higher at each end than in the middle, like it's bowed or something. I need to ask him about that before I pay him.
As for the doors, here are pictures of them before installation:

I knew they were coming on Thursday so I called the framer on Wednesday to let him know. I expected that I'd have the weekend to start painting and staining the doors before he installed them. I still needed to pick out the stain for the front door and the primer & paint for the back doors.
My mom and I got up early today (Saturday) to pick up a piece of the front door moulding from the house and bring it with us to the paint store. The framer had never worked on Saturday at my job before, but alas, he was there this morning installing the doors! That's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But it meant that I couldn't paint all the doors and door frames before they went up. While it's not the end of the world or anything, I can't water seal the bottoms of the door frames to prevent rot like I would have preferred.
Since the doors have been delivered and installed about 3 weeks sooner than I had planned, I now need to cirlce back with the brickyard and the brick layers to see if they can fit me in earlier than expected.
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