Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sheetrock Cleanup

Last Saturday (7/19), we spent the whole day loading sheetrock scraps into a trash trailer to be hauled away. I'll bet they've never seen a trailer so neatly packed as to fill every cubic centimeter of space! It was all fit together like a 3D puzzle so that I could pay only for a 15 yard trailer instead of springing for the 20 or 30. But in the end, all the trash is gone. It's nice to be able to see my front yard again!

This Saturday (7/26), we spent the day cleaning all the sheetrock dust and mud from the floors. We only got through about half the house in a full day, so that's turned into a real job! Each room was done in three passes. First, we swept up all the loose dust and debris. Then, we used shovels to scrape up hunks of mud and stuff that came up easily. Finally, we mopped up the rest.

The stuff dissolves easily in water. You just have to scrub a little bit. Some final spots required a scraper or a wet rag to get up. We had to stay away from the edges of the rooms with the water since we don't want to wet the sheetrock. So we left the edges to get later with a scraper or some other tool. The slowest part of this job is constantly rinsing the mop and changing out the mop water. Like I mentioned, we only did about half the house on Saturday. This evening, we'll start on the rest.

It's great to see clean floors again!

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