After getting most of the form up on Monday, I called the slab contractor on Tuesday to let him know the rear garage was too far back and there wasn't the required 3ft setback from the property line. He wanted me to get the form surveyed (which I have to do anyway) in order to tell for sure. Well, I already have a survey that tells me where the property line is. If they come out to survey the form once, it's included in my builder's package. If the form is off and they need to fix it and have it surveyed again, it's going to cost me extra.
In the meantime, the slab guys came out again sometime either Tuesday or Wednesday (it rained all day Wednesday) to put more of the bottom layer of 2x12s on the house. I saw this when I visited the lot with my parents around 2PM on Thursday. It must have been right after we left that the slab crew had more wood delivered and came back out to put the bottom 2x12s on the garage. I didn't know they were coming.
That evening, I called the slab contractor and left him a voicemail about the garage again. I wanted to tell him that he needed to fix the garage before I got another survey. He never called me back, and he didn't answer his phone on Friday morning. So I called his son. He still didn't tell me they had been working the day before. I told him about the garage and asked him when they could meet me at the lot to talk about it. He said it would be the day after (Saturday).
Later on Friday, I called to order the 125 cu yds or so of sand that I'll need to fill in under the slab. When I went to meet the first dump truck at the lot, I saw that they had completed the garage form. I wish they hadn't put more work into something I already told them needed to be changed!
As for the sand, the driver said the ground was too soft inside the slab form to back all the way up inside for dumping. And there's one piling sticking too far up that would cause trouble as well. So I had to make arrangements for a bullodozer to be on-site on Monday morning. They'll dump the sand just inside the form, and the dozer will spread it from there. I need about 10 loads of sand. It's been raining all day today, so I hope the dump trucks are able to back up as far as they need to on Monday.
Finally, I called the slab contractor on Friday sometime after I talked to his son. He said he was on the lot looking at it! Why don't they call me to meet them there? Anyway, I drove over right away. I showed them the copy of the survey (which they already had) and he could see the garage needed to be moved. He claimed they had worked solely from the plot plan of my drawings. They started measuring from the street as they formed their way back. And it wound up that this placed the garage too far back. He said it would cost me to have them move it, which I wasn't happy about. (It's not my fault they didn't double check against the survey I gave them.) I told him he should at least split the difference with me or something. He said it would cost $200 to move the form. Out of the $5,680 I'm already paying, I suppose that's not as bad as it could be...
Overall, I was comfortable with how it turned out. We agreed that the garage needed to bo moved forward 4 inches, and the level of the slab could be kept the same. The garage slab looks high right now, but by the time you figure in the chain wall and the sunken floor, and the fact that the floor slopes down to the front, I think the front door will not be all that much higher than the ground level.

That evening, I called the slab contractor and left him a voicemail about the garage again. I wanted to tell him that he needed to fix the garage before I got another survey. He never called me back, and he didn't answer his phone on Friday morning. So I called his son. He still didn't tell me they had been working the day before. I told him about the garage and asked him when they could meet me at the lot to talk about it. He said it would be the day after (Saturday).
Later on Friday, I called to order the 125 cu yds or so of sand that I'll need to fill in under the slab. When I went to meet the first dump truck at the lot, I saw that they had completed the garage form. I wish they hadn't put more work into something I already told them needed to be changed!
As for the sand, the driver said the ground was too soft inside the slab form to back all the way up inside for dumping. And there's one piling sticking too far up that would cause trouble as well. So I had to make arrangements for a bullodozer to be on-site on Monday morning. They'll dump the sand just inside the form, and the dozer will spread it from there. I need about 10 loads of sand. It's been raining all day today, so I hope the dump trucks are able to back up as far as they need to on Monday.
Finally, I called the slab contractor on Friday sometime after I talked to his son. He said he was on the lot looking at it! Why don't they call me to meet them there? Anyway, I drove over right away. I showed them the copy of the survey (which they already had) and he could see the garage needed to be moved. He claimed they had worked solely from the plot plan of my drawings. They started measuring from the street as they formed their way back. And it wound up that this placed the garage too far back. He said it would cost me to have them move it, which I wasn't happy about. (It's not my fault they didn't double check against the survey I gave them.) I told him he should at least split the difference with me or something. He said it would cost $200 to move the form. Out of the $5,680 I'm already paying, I suppose that's not as bad as it could be...
Overall, I was comfortable with how it turned out. We agreed that the garage needed to bo moved forward 4 inches, and the level of the slab could be kept the same. The garage slab looks high right now, but by the time you figure in the chain wall and the sunken floor, and the fact that the floor slopes down to the front, I think the front door will not be all that much higher than the ground level.
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