Saturday, January 9, 2010

Transferring My Flag (aka Moving In!)

As of this past Monday (Jan. 4), I'm living in my new house! Frank and Kenny helped move my bed and elliptical trainer from my parents' house, and I spent my first night here. It was a great feeling, but also a very very strange one. Essentially, the house has been a job site for me during the last two years. So imagine the weirdness of taking off your clothes and taking a shower at work! It just felt wrong somehow. :)

I'm still adjusting to everything, but it's coming along fine. I've slept great every night. The kitchen is still in a hybrid condition: some of the countertop contains food and stuff I'm putting away, and other parts still have tools and toolboxes laying around. That conversion is going to be a slow process. I had a lot more stuff to move over than I first thought. Not big stuff, but boxes and boxes of little everyday things... stamps, staplers, old folders and binders full of papers, financial records, CDs, and a lot of other things. Trying to put it all away and develop an organized, logical system for where I put it is tough to do. It's like information overload!

I've spent a lot of time (and money) at stores this week stocking up on food and buying items I discovered I needed right away. I've also been bringing over more boxes from my parents' house a little at a time. I still need to move the printer over here.

I've enjoyed sitting and watching TV and just enjoying the house as a place to live (and not work). I'm also setting up the new computer with software that I need for doing all my geeky things. It's also a weird feeling to walk around the house without shoes on. I've learned that the tile floor is cold when you're just wearing socks. Time to shop for those area rugs!

I've been doing some cleaning. All the surfaces in the house needed a good dusting. I'm getting to them mostly as I need to use them. I also replaced the air filter in the return air duct and cleaned the electric filter system in the attic. Actually, I discovered that the electric system wasn't even turned on until now, so I should start getting air that's filtered much more thoroughly.

One thing in the house that I haven't used yet is the air tub. I'm looking forward to that. Another thing I haven't done yet is bring Luci (the dog) from my parent's house to live here with me. That's the plan eventually. There are still a couple of things I want to complete before I try to move her here. Tomorrow I plan to bring her over for a few hours to start getting more acclimated. She's been here several times now, but just for a few minutes each.

Well, it's late! I'd better go get some sleep!

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