Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sewer Connection in Progress

My $9,200 sewer connection is being laid across the street. Work began yesterday, and they completed the first half: across the street where the main sewer line is. Today, they're supposed to finish my side of the street.

In the process, neighbor across the street had his yard torn up pretty bad. They had to dig down to the sewer line on the parish property part of his yard. They put all the mud back and laid the grass in place again, but it still looks pretty rough. After seeing the mounds of mud during the day, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it looked as good as it did, but it's a shame his yard had to be messed up.

I spoke to him last night and offered to help in any way to get his yard looking back to normal. He thanked me for the offer. He had already called the parish to tell them it wasn't acceptable. They told him they'd come back out if it didn't settle correctly in the next couple of weeks.

During the work day, the parish called to tell me they needed to know how deep the sewer line is as it comes out of my house. My plumber told me it was between 30 and 36 inches below the surface. The surface at the house is higher than at the curb. The parish worker told me that the main sewer line is about 5 ft below the surface on the other side of the street. So I should have plenty of room for a slope down to the main.

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